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:: مقالات منتشر شده در نشریه با بیشترین تعداد مشاهده
The Effect of Induced Positive and Negative Mood on Creativity (9648 مشاهده)
Academic Procrastination and its Relationship with Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction (5221 مشاهده)
Psychometric properties of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21) in a non-clinical Iranian sample (5110 مشاهده)
The Relationship of Personality Type, Social Trust and Social Desirability among the Homeless Adolescents Living in Zahedan Welfare Organization Hostels (5046 مشاهده)
Goal Orientations, Role Conflict and Ambiguity: Predictors of Competitive Anxiety in Athletes (4894 مشاهده)
Attentional Performance in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder (4872 مشاهده)
Psychometric Properties of the Spence Children__AWT_QUOTE__s Anxiety Scale with an Iranian Sample (4864 مشاهده)
The Study of Mediating Effects of Cognitive Factors on Links between Behavioral Inhibition and Social Anxiety (4804 مشاهده)
Relationships between Coping Strategies and the Severity of PTSD in Iranian Veterans of the Iran-Iraq War (4770 مشاهده)
The Relationship between Internet Use and Psychological Health Status among University Students (4763 مشاهده)
The Direct and Indirect Relationships of Emotional Intelligence with Mental Health and Academic Performance with the Mediating Role of Resiliency and Self-Efficacy in Medical Students of Ahvaz Medical Sciences University (4741 مشاهده)
A Study on the Relationship among Meta-Memory, Meta-cognitive Vocabulary and the Role of Theory of Mind in Persain Young Children (4695 مشاهده)
Attentional bias for angry facial expression in anxious children (4689 مشاهده)
The Predictive Effect of Emotional Intelligence and its Components on Anger and Aggressiveness in Soccer Players (4682 مشاهده)
The Effects of Group Hope Therapy on Depression, Hopelessness and Hope of Female Students in Isfahan University (4664 مشاهده)
The Efficacy of acceptance and commitment based therapy (ACT) on depressive symptoms and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in depressive students (4661 مشاهده)
Study of the Relation between Information Levels, Motivation and HIV Risk Perception and Risky Sexual Behaviors among Students of Razi University (4646 مشاهده)
The Effectiveness instruction of the Savikas Career Construction Theoryon Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy of the Unemployed Jobseekers Supported by Unemployment Insurance (4634 مشاهده)
The Effect of Art Therapy Based on Painting Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Social Phobia in Elementary School Boys (4613 مشاهده)
The Rrelationship between the Big Five Personality Traits and Happiness with the Mediation Role of Religious Orientation among Students (4600 مشاهده)
The Relationship between Non-verbal Communication and Marital Adjustment among Iranian Couples (4550 مشاهده)
Influence of Age and Gender on Emotional Skin Response (4520 مشاهده)
The Interaction Between Sacrificing Behaviors and Equity Perception: How Does It Contribute to Marital Intimacy? (4512 مشاهده)
The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Prediction of the Features of Borderline Personality in University Students (4501 مشاهده)
The Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Workplace Deviance with the Mediating Role of Workplace Exclusion (4498 مشاهده)
    ... آمار بیشتر
:: مقالات منتشر شده در نشریه با بیشترین تعداد دریافت فایل
Dyslexia and the Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses: Wechsler Intellectual Profile of Students with Dyslexia (5739 دریافت)
Cross-cultural Study of the Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms and Its Severity in Iranian and Indian Adolescents (3964 دریافت)
The Direct and Indirect Relationships of Emotional Intelligence with Mental Health and Academic Performance with the Mediating Role of Resiliency and Self-Efficacy in Medical Students of Ahvaz Medical Sciences University (3854 دریافت)
The Relationships of Job involvement, Responsibility and Job Satisfaction with Job Burnout (3845 دریافت)
Clock Face Drawing in Children with Learning Disabilities: An Old Problem Revisited (3841 دریافت)
The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Prediction of the Features of Borderline Personality in University Students (3831 دریافت)
Mediating the Role of Attachment Styles in Predicting the Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Marital Satisfaction (3830 دریافت)
Spiritual Intelligence as a Predictor of Mental Health Problems among High School Students (3825 دریافت)
The Impact of Social-Cognitive Categorization of Others on Implicit and Explicit Empathy (3816 دریافت)
The Effects of Mental Imagery and Relaxation on the Rate of Anxiety, Depression, and Hopefulness in Women Suffering from Breast Cancer in Ahvaz Golestan Hopsital (3815 دریافت)
The Predictive Effect of Emotional Intelligence and its Components on Anger and Aggressiveness in Soccer Players (3814 دریافت)
Predicting Early Maladaptive Schemas by Young Parenting Styles (3808 دریافت)
Attachment to God and Perceived Childhood Attachment in an Iranian Sample: An Investigation of Granqvist‘s "Correspondence" and "Compensation" Hypotheses (3808 دریافت)
Comparing Personality Types with Educational Disciplines: A Cross-Cultural Study in Iranian and American Students (3806 دریافت)
Investigating the Mediating Role of Facial Emotion Recognition in the Relationship between Cognitive Functioning and Social Performance in Patients with Schizophrenia (3803 دریافت)
The Effectiveness instruction of the Savikas Career Construction Theoryon Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy of the Unemployed Jobseekers Supported by Unemployment Insurance (3799 دریافت)
Relationship of Stress Coping Strategies and Life Satisfaction among Students (3799 دریافت)
The Moderating Role of Personality Dimensions in the relationship between Brain-Behavioral Systems and Multiple Sclerosis Severity (3797 دریافت)
Psychotherapy in children, examining the effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy on depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in children, a randomized clinical trial (3795 دریافت)
Job Crafting and its Outcomes (3794 دریافت)
EFL Learners’ Beliefs about Language Learning, Concern over Mistakes, and Language Achievement: Investigating Possible Relationships in an Iranian Context (3794 دریافت)
A Study of Causal Relationship between Attitude, Self-Esteem, Ambiguity Tolerance, Locus of Control, and Language Proficiency of Iranian learners of the English as a Foreign Language (3794 دریافت)
The Role of Interpersonal Identity Statuses in Predicting the Attitudes of Married People toward Love (3792 دریافت)
Influence of Age and Gender on Emotional Skin Response (3780 دریافت)
The Associations between Impulsivity, Loneliness, Social Support and Suicide Ideation in Ahwaz Metropolitan Male Drug Dependents (3777 دریافت)
    ... آمار بیشتر
:: مطالبی که بیشترین بازدید را داشته‌اند
درباره نشریه ( 5921 بازدید)
راهنمای نگارش مقاله ( 4875 بازدید)
توضیحات ( 4421 بازدید)
ابر کلیدواژگان ( 4041 بازدید)
تماس با ما ( 3824 بازدید)
طرح های آزمایشی و شبه آزمایشی ( 3759 بازدید)
طرح های آزمایشی و شبه آزمایشی ( 3717 بازدید)
زمانبندی ارزیابی مقالات ( 3100 بازدید)
داوران ( 3065 بازدید)
شناسه Dor و Doi ( 2770 بازدید)
انتشار الکترونیکی مجله ( 2731 بازدید)
اشتراک نسخه چاپی ( 2730 بازدید)
فرم تعهد نامه ( 2714 بازدید)
بانک ها و نمایه نامه ها ( 2704 بازدید)
دریافت هزینه چاپ و بررسی اولیه مقالات ( 2660 بازدید)
سیاست های مالی ( 2657 بازدید)
سیاست انتشار نشریه ( 2613 بازدید)
فرایند ارزیابی مقالات ( 2606 بازدید)
شورای دبیران ( 2604 بازدید)
اهداف و زمینه ها ( 2540 بازدید)
اصول اخلاقی انتشار مقاله ( 2490 بازدید)
    ... آمار بیشتر
:: مطالبی که بیشتر به دوستان فرستاده شده‌اند
صفحه اصلی ( 1 ارسال)
    ... آمار بیشتر
:: مطالبی که بیشتر چاپ شده‌اند
درباره نشریه ( 461 چاپ)
توضیحات ( 438 چاپ)
سیاست انتشار نشریه ( 391 چاپ)
فرایند ارزیابی مقالات ( 390 چاپ)
بانک ها و نمایه نامه ها ( 369 چاپ)
شورای دبیران ( 358 چاپ)
داوران ( 347 چاپ)
تماس با ما ( 340 چاپ)
سیاست های مالی ( 334 چاپ)
ابر کلیدواژگان ( 332 چاپ)
دریافت هزینه چاپ و بررسی اولیه مقالات ( 327 چاپ)
فرم تعهد نامه ( 326 چاپ)
انتشار الکترونیکی مجله ( 324 چاپ)
اصول اخلاقی انتشار مقاله ( 324 چاپ)
اهداف و زمینه ها ( 317 چاپ)
زمانبندی ارزیابی مقالات ( 315 چاپ)
اشتراک نسخه چاپی ( 314 چاپ)
شناسه Dor و Doi ( 311 چاپ)
سیاست تعارض منافع ( 311 چاپ)
راهنمای نگارش مقاله ( 310 چاپ)
    ... آمار بیشتر

نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی International Journal of Psychology (IPA)
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