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:: دوره 15، شماره 1 - ( 1-1400 ) ::
جلد 15 شماره 1 صفحات 204-183 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
Dyslexia and the Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses: Wechsler Intellectual Profile of Students with Dyslexia
Zahra Rajabpour Azizi ، Mahnaz Akhavan Tafti ، Maryam Mohsenpour
Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده:   (2598 مشاهده)
This study aimed to identify the pattern of strengths and weaknesses of students with dyslexia based on their Wechsler intellectual profiles. We obtained 119 Wechsler intelligence test results of male and female students with dyslexia from SLD centers. The data from four primary index scores (VCI, PRI, WMI, and PSI) were extracted and analyzed. The highest scores belonged to PRI (98.22), comprising block design (10.45), matrix reasoning (9.7), and picture concepts (8.6). The lowest means were observed on WMI (78.2), with the highest and lowest average in digit span (8.24) and number-letter sequencing (4.12), respectively. The performance of these students in overall perception, general visualization, visual-spatial information processing, discovery of nonverbal relationships, and fluid reasoning was superior to their other cognitive features, e.g., digit span and letter-number sequencing.

شماره‌ی مقاله: 6
واژه‌های کلیدی: dyslexia، pattern of strengths and weaknesses (PSW)، intellectual profile، Wechsler intelligence test (WISC-IV)، primary index scores
متن کامل [PDF 688 kb]   (5668 دریافت)    
نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: تخصصي
دریافت: 1401/3/6 | ویرایش نهایی: 1401/11/1 | پذیرش: 1401/6/14 | انتشار: 1401/9/12
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Rajabpour Azizi Z, Akhavan Tafti M, Mohsenpour M. Dyslexia and the Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses: Wechsler Intellectual Profile of Students with Dyslexia. ijpb 2021; 15 (1) : 6
URL: http://ijpb.ir/article-1-379-fa.html

Rajabpour Azizi Zahra، Akhavan Tafti Mahnaz، Mohsenpour Maryam. Dyslexia and the Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses: Wechsler Intellectual Profile of Students with Dyslexia. نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی. 1400; 15 (1) :183-204

URL: http://ijpb.ir/article-1-379-fa.html

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Creative Commons License این مقاله تحت شرایط Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License قابل بازنشر است.
دوره 15، شماره 1 - ( 1-1400 ) برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی International Journal of Psychology (IPA)
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