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:: دوره 12، شماره 1 - ( 8-1397 ) ::
جلد 12 شماره 1 صفحات 49-30 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
Prediction of Cyber Bullying through Components of Adversity Quotient in Depressive Students
Monireh Sadat Hosseini ، Arezoo Vali Nezhad ، Ali Mahdad
چکیده:   (3192 مشاهده)
The main purpose of this study was to predict cyber bullying (email and online) through the components of the adversity quotient (perceived control, origin and ownership, reach and endurance). The population in this study comprised all employees of a big public organization in Tehran in winter 2015 (1393). Among them, 271 persons were selected on the basis of convenience sampling method. Data were collected through the Adversity Quotient Profile (PEAK Learning Inc., 2008) and the Cyber Bullying Questionnaire (Savage, 2012), and analysed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated significant negative relationships between all the components of the Adversity Quotient (perceived control, origin and ownership, reach and endurance) with Cyber Bullying (p<.05). Furthermore, the results of multiple regression analysis showed that the components of perceived control (F=48.2, P<.05) and reach (F=28.2, p<.01) could significantly predict cyber bullying.
واژه‌های کلیدی: adversity quotient، cyber bullying، Public Sector
متن کامل [PDF 371 kb]   (949 دریافت)    
نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: عمومى
دریافت: 1400/8/23 | ویرایش نهایی: 1400/9/23 | پذیرش: 1397/8/28 | انتشار: 1397/8/28

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Hosseini M S, Vali Nezhad A, Mahdad A. Prediction of Cyber Bullying through Components of Adversity Quotient in Depressive Students. ijpb 2018; 12 (1) :30-49
URL: http://ijpb.ir/article-1-319-fa.html

Hosseini Monireh Sadat، Vali Nezhad Arezoo، Mahdad Ali. Prediction of Cyber Bullying through Components of Adversity Quotient in Depressive Students. نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی. 1397; 12 (1) :30-49

URL: http://ijpb.ir/article-1-319-fa.html

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Creative Commons License این مقاله تحت شرایط Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License قابل بازنشر است.
دوره 12، شماره 1 - ( 8-1397 ) برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی International Journal of Psychology (IPA)
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