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:: دوره 10، شماره 2 - ( 4-1395 ) ::
جلد 10 شماره 2 صفحات 0-0 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
The Effectiveness of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Group Training on Mental Health of Adolescent Girls with Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome
خانم marjan rabani bavojdan ، خانم mozhgan rabani bavojdan نویسنده مسیول ، خانم nahid kaviani ، دکتر sima noohi
چکیده:   (4100 مشاهده)
This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of the cognitive emotion regulation group training on mental health of adolescent girls with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in Kerman, Iran. (The research method was a Two-Group Experimental Design with pretest-posttest). In order to examine premenstrual symptoms we used the PMS Questionnaire and for assessing mental health Goldberg’s mental health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used. The statistical population of the research was120 adolescents girl, aged 13 to 18 years, with premenstrual syndrome inone of Kerman city’s High Schools (District one) in the 2013-2014 academic year. First,120 girls with premenstrual syndrome were assessed based on secondary screening by mental healthand then 78 adolescent girls having lower scores on the Mental health Questionnaire were selected and placed in two 39-person experimental and control groups by the random sampling method. Cognitive emotionregulation group training was conducted on the experimental group during 8 sessions. Then the subjects were administered the post-test, a month later. Statistical analysis was conducted by multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Thegroup training showed meaningful difference in general health between the two groups. So, cognitive emotion regulation group training can increase mental health in adolescent girls with PMS.
نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: عمومى
دریافت: 1400/7/3 | پذیرش: 1400/8/23 | انتشار: 1400/8/23

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khanom مرجان ربانی باوجدان, khanom مژگان ربانی باوجدان nevisandeh election, khanom ناهید کاویانی, mohammad سیما نوحی. The Effectiveness of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Group Training on Mental Health of Adolescent Girls with Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome. ijpb 2016; 10 (2)
URL: http://ijpb.ir/article-1-219-fa.html

خانم marjan rabani bavojdan ، خانم mozhgan rabani bavojdan نویسنده مسیول ، خانم nahid kaviani ، دکتر sima noohi . The Effectiveness of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Group Training on Mental Health of Adolescent Girls with Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome. نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی. 1395; 10 (2)

URL: http://ijpb.ir/article-1-219-fa.html

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Creative Commons License این مقاله تحت شرایط Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License قابل بازنشر است.
دوره 10، شماره 2 - ( 4-1395 ) برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی International Journal of Psychology (IPA)
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