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Showing 2 results for Task Performance

Mrs. Asiye Moghtaderi Isfahani, Prof. Ali Mehdad,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2021)

The main purpose of the present research was to study the mediating role of intrinsic work motivation in the relationship between conscientiousness and adversity quotient with firefighters' task performance in Isfahan. The research method was correlational, and the statistical population included all firefighters (600 persons) in Isfahan, among which 228 persons were selected via simple random sampling. The research questionnaires were Intrinsic Work Motivation (Gagne et al., 2015), Conscientiousness (McCrae & Costa, 1992), Adversity Quotient Profile (PEAK Learning Inc., 2008), and Task Performance (Patterson, 1963). Data were analyzed by using Pearson's Correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling (SEM). SPSS23 and AMOS23 software were used for data analysis. The results showed that conscientiousness directly affects task performance and intrinsic work motivation; Adversity quotient directly affects intrinsic work motivation; Intrinsic work motivation directly affects task performance (P≤0.001).Moreover, results of structural equation modeling showed that the proposed model has appropriate goodness of fit, and by examining the indirect and mediating effects through  bootstrap method, it was demonstrated that intrinsic work motivation mediates the effect of conscientiousness and adversity quotient on task performance (P<.05).Therefore, findings of present study indicate that conscientiousness and adversity quotient could increase task performance through positive effect on intrinsic work motivation.

Abdolzahra Naami, Kowsar Simiarian,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (10-2023)

In this study the effect of grit on task performance and organizational citizenship behavior with mediating work engagement was investigated. The research design was cross sectional. The research sample consisted of 287 of employees an organization  that were selected through simple sampling method. The instrument used in this study were grit questionnaire (Duckworth et al. 2007), work engagement scale (Utrecht, Shoufeli and Salanova 2002), task performance questionnaire (oodman and Svyantek ,1999) and organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire (Organ and Kanofsky,1989). Data was analyzed by path analysis using SPSS and AMOS version 24. Bootstrap method was used to test the indirect paths effects. Results showed that direct paths of job grit to job engagement, task performance and organizational citizenship behavior, were significant. The results also showed that the indirect paths of job grit to task performance and  organizational citizenship behavior through job engagement were significant.

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نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی International Journal of Psychology (IPA)
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