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Showing 4 results for Academic Performance

Molouk Khademi Ashkzari, Salehe Piryaei, Leila Kamelifar,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (11-2018)

Academic engagement explains the extent to which learners identify with and value academic conclusions, and take part in academic and non-academic activities. The present study explores, quantitatively, a causal model of both psycho-social and motivational factors in academic engagement and their potential impacts on academic achievement outcome. The sample of this research consisted of 480 undergraduate students at Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran who were selected by stratified random sampling method. The instruments which used in this study were The Academic Success Inventory, Boekaerts’ Motivation control scale (1987), Kuhl's Action Control scale (ACS-90) (1994), Pintrich et al.'s Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) (1991), Schraw & Dennison's Metacognitive awareness inventory (MAI) (1994), Boekaerts' Intended/actual goals scale (1987), Zimbardo & Boyd's future time perception inventory (ZPTI) (1999), & Schaufeli, et al’s Academic Engagement scale (2002). Structural equation modeling (SEM) through AMOS-22 was used for data analysis. The results indicated that motivational control–emotional states & competencies, self-efficacy, metacognition, action control–initiative persistence & disengage persistence- had significant effects on academic engagement. Also academic engagement can affect academic performance mediating by learner's intended/actual goals and future time perception in the current model. There is credence then, from our point of view, that policymakers and educators should consider advancing conceptualized complex psychosocial-motivational models to verify.

Mozafar Gholizadeh, Manijeh Shehni Yailagh, Sirous Allipour Biregani, Alireza Hajiyakhchali,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2019)

In this study, a latent growth curve model of academic motivation and academic self-efficacy in Shahid Chamran University students was tested. The research method was developmental and of a longitudinal type. More precisely, the latent growth curve model was used to answer research questions. The statistical population of this study was all newly-arrived freshmen students of Shahid Chamran University in Ahvaz in the academic year of 2016-2017, who were 1988 students. Random sampling method was used to select newly-arrived students. From 13 departments of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, 4 were randomly selected and all of their freshmen students filled out the questionnaires. The sample size of this study was 678 students. The instruments of this study include Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) and Academic Self-Efficacy Scale. Results showed that the mean score of intercept of academic motivation (at the beginning of university studies) was higher than the mean score of intercept of academic self-efficacy. Although the mean score of slopes of academic motivation and self-efficacy were decreased among the students during the three measurement times in university, the self-efficacy slope was not significant. Also, students who had high academic motivation at the beginning, had high scores in academic self-efficacy too, and those who had made progress in their academic motivation during the one year study, have improved their academic self-efficacy too. Moreover, all the variances were significant. The results showed that the interpersonal variations support adding the predictor variables to the model. Also, the results indicated that gender was a significant predictor for academic motivation at the beginning of university studies. The results showed that the females' academic motivation, at the beginning of university, on the average, was more than the males’, but the difference was not significant during the first year in university. Also, at the beginning, the academic performance was a significant predictor of academic self-efficacy. In other words, at the start of university studies, on the average, the high academic self-efficacy was associated with high academic performance, but the difference was not significant during the three measurements. Moreover, the non-linear model's goodness of fit statistic was better than the linear models.

Dr Arezou Delfan Beiranvand, Dr Khosro Rashid, Dr James R Andretta,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (10-2021)

Relying on expectation-value theory as a guide, the study was focused on both the direct effects and mediating roles of benefit, and psychological and situational costs on academic motivation and academic performance. This study was conducted with the aim of predicting motivation and academic performance based on expectation-value theory by the mediating role of benefit, and situational and psychological costs. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of this study included all students of Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamadan city-Iran. 395 students were selected from the faculties of Economics and Social Sciences, Basic Sciences, Engineering, Literature, Agriculture, and Art as the research sample using available sampling method. The instruments were Academic Motivation Scale (Rashid & Delfan Beiranvand, 2019) and the Expectation-Value-Cost-Benefit Scale (Rashid & Delfan Beiranvand, 2023). The mean of the students’ academic performances- grade point average or GPA -in their past semesters was considered the criterion for their academic performance. The data were analyzed by path analysis with SPSS25 and LISREL software. The results indicated that the proposed model fitted the experimental data. In addition, the results of path analysis showed that the effects of expectation on motivation (β= .19, p< .01) and academic performance (β= .15, p< .05) were significant. The effects of value on motivation (β= .20, p< .01) and academic performance (β= .13, p< .05) were significant. The effect of benefit on motivation (β= .17, p< .01) was significant, while the effect of benefit on academic performance (β= .04, p> .05) was not significant. The effect of situational cost on motivation (β= -.05, p> .05) was not significant, but this effect was significant on academic performance (β= -.16, p< .05). The effects of psychological cost on motivation (β= -.22, p< .01) and academic performance (β= -.23, p< .01) were significant. Indirect hypothesis using Bootstrap test were tested. Therefore, there are important and new implications concerning the role of benefit and cost as well as expectation and value in motivation and academic performance of Iranian students.

Mrs. Maryam Hussein Obeid Al-Soltani, Prof. Ali Mehdad, Prof. Emad Hussein Oibed Al-Marshidi, Prof. Asghar Aghaee,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (5-2022)

The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the mediating role of achievement goals in relationship between perception of family atmosphere and academic performance in the students of Babylon University in Iraq.  The research method was correlation in the form of structural equation modeling. The statistical population of research included all third and fourth semester bachelor’ degree students in psychology studying at Babylon University in Iraq. From the mentioned statistical population, 258 students were selected by the convenience sampling method. The data were collected using the perceived family atmosphere questionnaire (Ryan et al, 1996), the achievement goals questionnaire (Midgley et al, 1998) and academic average score. To analyze data, Pearson's correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the perceived family atmosphere in the two dimensions of father-child relationship and mother-child relationship with achievement goals and academic performance and between achievement goals and academic performance (p<.01). Moreover, results of structural equation modeling showed that achievement goals are a complete mediating variable in the relationship between the perceived family atmosphere and academic performance (p<.01). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the perceived family atmosphere is an important variable for increasing achievement goals and academic performance in Iraqi students.

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نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی International Journal of Psychology (IPA)
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