Relationship of Organizational Trust and Organizational Justice with Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Female Teachers: Chain Mediation of Job Stress and Emotional Exhaustion
خانم طیبه کوچی ، اقای سید اسماعیل هاشمی نویسنده مسیول ، اقای کیومرث بشلیده  |
چکیده: (3908 مشاهده) |
This study aimed at the analysis of the relationship of organizational trust and organizational justice with organizational citizenship behavior of teachers with chain mediation of job stress and emotional exhaustion. To this end, 170 female teachers were selected from public schools in Ilam using the multistage random sampling method. Research instruments were as follow: teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire, organizational trust questionnaire, organizational justice, job stress and emotional exhaustion. Results using structural equation modeling confirmed the fitness of the hypothesized model and revealed that organizational trust ( =.46, p= .04), and organizational justice ( = .70, p= .03) directly influence the organizational citizenship behavior of teachers. Analysis of mediating relationships using the bootstrap method indicated that, job stress and emotional exhaustion do not play a chain mediation role in the relationship between organizational trust ( = .019, p= .12) and organizational justice ( = .04, p= .15) with organizational citizenship behavior of teachers. Finally, these findings based on theories such as social exchange and equity have been discussed. |
نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي |
موضوع مقاله:
عمومى دریافت: 1400/7/3 | پذیرش: 1400/8/23 | انتشار: 1400/8/23