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:: about Journal ::
 | Post date: 2021/09/26 | 
About Journal
The international journal of psychology has its scientific-research reputation from the commission of scientific journal which is certified by the ministry of science- research and technology. This scientific degree has been granted to the journal since February 2003 and is prolonged every year after it is reviewed.
Full Journal Title                                   International Journal of Psychology (IPA)
Owner Organization                             Iranian Psychological Association
Editor in Chief                                  Hossein Shokrkon, Ph.D.
Director-in-Chief                              Hamid Yaghubi, PhD
Managing Director                             Kowsar Simiarian, MA

Frequency                                            Biannual
Language                                             English
Publisher                                              Iranian Psychological Association
ISSN                                                    PISSN:2008-1251
ISSN  online :                                      2676-4326
Website                                               http://bijp.ir     &     http://ijpb.ir
Email:                                                   internationaljournalipagmail.com
Additionally the journal has been displayed on Google scholarISCRicest, Magiran and SID with the impact factor of .034. It should be also mentioned that the free PDF of all published papers have an open access in the achieve section.
The international Journal of Psychology in Iran only accepts the English original papers and the papers taken from any library, case studies and psychometric papers will not be published in this journal.
According to the enactment of the board of management at the Iranian psychology association, for the papers to be investigated, edited and published there are fees to be paid. For more information please click on the Financial Policie.s
One of the methods of random sampling should be used in the writing of the article, depending on the type of population.
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نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی International Journal of Psychology (IPA)
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